How do music and movement supercharge brainpower?

The combination of music and movement engages children in multisensory learning experiences that ignite all areas of development. Kindermusik activities are designed to enhance cognitive, language, physical, creative, and social-emotional development, while boosting school readiness.


Image of brain showing different sections. Whole-child development through music-based learning.
Icon of two humans with visible hearts. Social-emotional development through music-based learning.

Group musical play boosts healthy expression, empathy, relationship building, and inner balance.

Icon of the human head with a turning cog. Cognitive development through music-based learning.

Music education builds listening skills, promotes memory and recall, and strengthens executive function.

Icon of pencil. Fine motor development through music-based learning.
Fine Motor Movement

Playing instruments and doing fingerplays help strengthen the small hand muscles needed for critical tasks like writing.

Icon of arrows showing movement. Whole-body development through music-based learning.
Whole Body Movement

Moving to music builds core strength, develops eye-hand coordination, and stimulates the vestibular system.

Icon of human ear. Receptive language development through music-based learning.
Language: Receptive

Group music making enhances a child’s ability to follow directions and understand language.

Icon of text bubble. Expressive language development through music-based learning.
Language: Expressive

Vocal play activities boost phonemic awareness, while singing familiar songs enhances vocabulary and speech

Icon of music notes. Musical development through music-based learning.

Group music classes develop vocal skills, music appreciation, and a foundation for formal music instruction.

Icon of radar symbol with waves going outward. Sensory development through music-based learning.

Instrument play, movement, and pretend play help children become better problem solvers and innovative thinkers.